Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's a lie

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What if? What if nothing was real and everything was a creation within our minds? Isn't that possible? It is, we have dreams we can't differentiate from reality. Whose to say that this very moment is a dream. Everything i'm writing isn't that all an illusion. You, the audience aren't you an illusion?

I don't know if anyone actually reads this stuff. I doubt i even read it myself. I write everything without actually thinking about it. I guess i'm trying to convince myself that life isn't an illusion. If i thought about it would that not make it easier for me to deceive myself. To make myself believe that i am wrting something when in actual fact i am not.

Or maybe i write without thinking so i don't disappoint myself. Atleast this way i have an excuse for writing stuff which barely makes sense and lacks in logic. I guess i'll never know. That's what life is about, trying to find out something you can never know

How do you know that this isn't an illusion. Isn't reading this blog actively taking part in deceiving yourself. Think about it. How do you know that there is an author behind these words? How do you know that the author isn't infact your imagination? How real are the words that your read. There are hidden behind a screen, supposedly written by someone through another screen, transported from thousands of miles away depending on where you live. Then instantaneously, give or take a few micro seconds received by the "reader".

Friday, May 14, 2010

Imagination reignited

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Free my soul from the anguish of the misery i drowned in. They say the day you stop being a child is the day you lose meaning. The day you stop being a child is the day the world stops spinning, everything becomes stationery: waiting for he second coming of the childhood. The wait lasts an eternity, an eternity more than the precious moments you have left.

Childhood is not merely immaturity, it is a lack of hatred, a lack of apathy. It is the time when only your imagination guides you, no external forces sanction your creative will. Of course your parents try to keep you in line, to limit your imagination. This is where it all goes wrong, it all goes downhill. When doctrines are forced into your precious sponge-like minds; doctrines you will never forget. You may not believe in them, you may rebel. But the fact remains these doctrines remain a part of you till you reach the end of your mortal destination

Religion, habits and everything permanent is created in the childhood mind. It applies to everyone because it applies to me. I am just another mortal no different in speech, thought or appearance than everyone else.

I am 6 billion tiny voices, projecting one view, you are 6 billion voices projecting your own view. Do we really want these voices to be mechanical, without imagination and apathetic. Do we really want to let the warmth of our childhood fade away as the minutes become hours, the hours days and the days weeks. Why let time wear our imagination, she can have our physical features, because at the end of the day they mean nothing (they are merely a shell of who we truly are). She can have our minds, because they only brew conflict, but not the thing which makes us human

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Justifying Right and Wrong

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Starting point of any story is it’s beginning, that’s normal human progress, then gradually with time this beginning slowly metamorphose into the body of the story; the part which builds the setting for the climax (excuse the pun) then we reach the conclusion (or the pun), well people are a lot more capable of drawing up a conclusion if you know what I mean and others tend to fade away, but that’s beside the point.

The point I’m trying to make is this is all normal human progress (if you thought it was something else then clearly your mind is far from clean) and anything contrary to this is not normal right?...I don’t know…Is everything that clear cut, is anything clear cut to begin with, I mean not everything follows the normal human progression, it all depends on the situation and the individual in question... you do agree with me right? This structured existence so to speak, is nothing but a fictitious scale used to measure our lives.

Everyone’s view is subjective in the same way as everyone’s life is subjective to the confines of their capacities and so on. But exactly how different are we? Can you have an ending without a beginning; can your life begin with a climax and end with an introduction? I can’t answer these questions infact I doubt anyone can you would probably all come up with different answers…that doesn’t really matter. What matters is how you justify your view, if you can reasonably justify whatever answer you come up with (not just for this question, but life in general) without using generalization or personal views and instead engaging the outlet of your rationality then surely you are right regardless of the consequences and motives of your actions

However that is not to say Hitler was right in killing Jews e.t.c if he could reasonably justify his actions because there are universal rights and wrongs. Things we all accept as right or wrong, these transcend culture, religion and other subjective factors they are derived purely from reason and normal human experience. “Do not kill” because we value human life and hold it as something sacred.

But like everything else this too is limited by other factors. For example do not kill unless your life is under threat. There is no clear cut moral solution to such situations, infact there probably isn’t any right way to do things, all we can do is really on the outlet of our reason.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Something Fresh

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Okay so my feeble attempt to ride the success of other people’s names didn’t work. Who would have seen that coming? Or maybe I just chose the wrong names I mean come on (this is me talking to myself) everybody writes about those people. It’s like trying to use Oprah’s name to become famous. Or recreating Facebook, this has been done. Infact it’s been overdone.

We need something fresh, something to make the kids crazy. If I didn’t dislike that Bieber kid’s music so much I would talk about him.

I was watching this show on T..V about weird diets, like how some people “dumpster dive” to save money and eat bugs for nutrition…puts a brand new meaning on the phrase “eating shit for breakfast”. I suppose one man’s meat is another man’s poison, literally. What a weird world

Enough about that, time to get back to the matter at hand. I don’t quite remember what it is I guess it wasn’t that important.

I feel inspired, I have a sudden urge to write about anything the only problem is when I have this inspiration I usually have nothing to write about. Have you ever wondered why some days you wake us happier and more lively than other days? It’s as though you just wake up with a smile within you, a smile which reflects on your perspective of the day. I suppose there is some truth to the notion that life is what you make of it. It’s not altogether bad. When your sub-conscious decides to provide some positivity to yourself then it acts as a domino theory…

You know the phrase smile and the world will smile at you? What a load of crap! Try walking around with a smile on your face and see how the world will “smile” back at you. I think that in most cases smiling is redundant; I mean really think about it. In most cases the smiles we portray are merely facades, I don’t really feel like elaborating on this matter so till the next time my words unite with this blog. Goodbye

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Commercial Post

I was thinkin about what it takes to have a million views in one day. Is that even possible after all i'm just another person with nothing interesting to talk about, my life isn't tha interesting and i'm not a celebrity. Then it got me thinking.. What if i write about Perez Hilton. I mean after all he gets probably a million hits every time he posts something about someone. So if i taged his name, that would mean my post would pop up on google everytime someone decided to search for Perez, only problem is i don't know much about this Perez dude.

Infact i thought he was Paris Hilton's brother or something (because of the surname). Then it finally occured to me that he probably isn't (didn't really occur to me. I just happened to google his name). So as i was saying if people see my post along with his name i should get about 1% of his readership. Its a self produced theory with no basis whatsoever, but do you honestly think those people who draw up statistics have an idea of what their doing, ofcourse not. They just pay them because they have the right degrees and the right parents. Its how the world works.

Its like getting into showbiz, if you don't have the looks then surely you're destined for failure. How many ugly people do you see in adverts or in movies, well with the exception of that Cruise dude, why he became a star god knows.

Even if i my theory was true, who knows how. That would only give me about 10000 views and that's not even close to a million unless you're using another system of numbers unknown to me and the rest of the sane world. I could throw in other names like, Katrina Kaif, (i don't know who that is, i just saw her/his/its name on google) and the i-pad. I should just type i-pad until i run out of space


Friday, April 30, 2010

Finding it

Have i lost something, because i'm searching for something. I don;t know how many times i've wrote about this, but what else is there to write about. What is more important than finding yourself. It is in no way selfish. It affects the world, not because i'm special, actually i am anything but special, i am merely a shadow; the one who dwells in the background, the layer which is covered by the majority.

They say finding yourself is finding the truth, the universe unfolds itself right in front of your eyes. We spend billions, sending ships to the moon and all other places, yet the answers lie right in front of us, the guy/girl sitting next to you, the sales person, the shop attendant, you. That is all tha matters in this world. Finding the humanity; the link, or as i like to call it the "greater self" that which trully unites us on a large scale should be our focus.

Its not an easy task, i know, then again nothing is easy, life was not designed to be easy. The world easy is subjective your experience and arrogance. Easy is a symptom of weakness, the weakness which creates disunity between us. We need to weed out that weakness. We need to find the "greater self". I need to find myself

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I think it's a sad sight to reduce this blog to some sort of plea to get at least one reader. Sad as it may, it is something i have to do. So it got me thinking what is it that people want to hear. Is it baseless, unconstructive, self-indulgent and narrow minded advice on how to be an over night success? Is it relationship advice? or is it gossip about celebrities. I thought about this for about a minute or less and decided to talk about all teh above mentioned. Firstly here's a tip which is bound to work, 1.) find something to sell (you can't have a business without products to sell), 2.) get a buyer (i would offer you tips on how to advertise effectively, but not now) okay i have exhausted that exhaustingly boring subject. Now i turn to relationships, if you want to have a good relationship follow these tips. 1) Your partner is always right (eliminates the constant arguments over issues which you regard as senseless). 2.) Open your mouth only when you need to, they say silence is golden thus to polish the art of a perfect relationship try to remain silent for the most part. 3)All good things come to an end. I am by nature pessimistic so i don't really see the pount of allocating your time, resources and energies on any person. People have a tendency of letting each other down, expect that in advance. I will not delve into the celebrity gossip subject least i hang myself in disguist