What if? What if nothing was real and everything was a creation within our minds? Isn't that possible? It is, we have dreams we can't differentiate from reality. Whose to say that this very moment is a dream. Everything i'm writing isn't that all an illusion. You, the audience aren't you an illusion?
I don't know if anyone actually reads this stuff. I doubt i even read it myself. I write everything without actually thinking about it. I guess i'm trying to convince myself that life isn't an illusion. If i thought about it would that not make it easier for me to deceive myself. To make myself believe that i am wrting something when in actual fact i am not.
Or maybe i write without thinking so i don't disappoint myself. Atleast this way i have an excuse for writing stuff which barely makes sense and lacks in logic. I guess i'll never know. That's what life is about, trying to find out something you can never know
How do you know that this isn't an illusion. Isn't reading this blog actively taking part in deceiving yourself. Think about it. How do you know that there is an author behind these words? How do you know that the author isn't infact your imagination? How real are the words that your read. There are hidden behind a screen, supposedly written by someone through another screen, transported from thousands of miles away depending on where you live. Then instantaneously, give or take a few micro seconds received by the "reader".